Protective Services
About Armed Private Protection
Fortis Group provides armed protection for different environments and threat conditions depending on each client’s need. In more discrete situations, a covert approach is utilized to blend in. The protection specialist is dressed to match the occasion armed with a completely concealed firearm. Overt protection utilizes personnel in a uniformed look with an openly exposed firearm in a retention holster to provide a deterrent effect. All armed Fortis Group personnel are required to possess advanced weapon handling skills, attend on-going training, maintain licensing and qualify on a bi-annual basis.
Executive & Personal Protection
Fortis Group security specialist possess years of experience protecting corporate campuses, C-suite executives and high-profile persons. Our advanced techniques and training allow us to protect VIPs while they conduct business, travel, present to large groups, or events. Our personnel can be seen or unseen, covertly or overtly and provide the necessary protection when and where you need it.
Premises & Private Events
We provide full or part-time highly qualified professional security personnel to deliver personalized protection for any location or private event. Experienced and highly trained, our protection specialists can deploy quickly to a wide range of situations.
Immediate Mobile Response Team
Fortis Group can immediately respond to threats in the workplace or events that require a rapid physical security response. Upon arrival, our personnel stand alongside your management team to assess risk, investigate, and surveil threats, coordinate with law enforcement authorities, close physical vulnerability gaps, provide armed protection and formulate intervention strategies necessary to prevent an escalation or act of violence.
High-Value Armed Escort
We provide discreet, professional close-in armed personal protection for high-value asset conveyance like merchandise, jewelry, rare art, or museum artifacts.